Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pep Talk

Something I love about my mentor teacher is that she knows just how to hand over a good pick-me-up.  I did, in fact, directly request one at lunch today after revealing that yesterday a student told me, "F** you, B**!"

Action plan:
  • kill him with kindness
  • get him a backpack
  • know that it's not personal
  • know that you're not alone.  congratulations, you have been initiated.

1 comment:

  1. Always know it isn't personal. There's a lot going on in their worlds. Even if they have a normal semi adjusted life, even THAT is a humongous deal, EVERYTHING is intense and huge to a teen (or preteen). (Remember our livejournals?)
    I get told to f--- off at least once a week. But it's not personal, and when all else fails I pretend I'm either Mary Poppins or Denzel Washington in Remember the Titans, or sometimes Bill Cosby, and somehow that makes it all okay.
