Friday, April 20, 2012


I spend all this energy reflecting about what motivates teachers.  I am unwavering in stating that shaming teachers does not work.  Offering to give them money does not work.  Bringing in some external accountability like a high stakes test does not work.  These are temporary measures that I don't believe bring lasting change.  To stick and carrots, I say nay.

And yet-
I am doing the same thing with my students.  Why would I think that my students should be so different? I coax them, I shame them.  I threaten them with calls home, I applaud them with a trip to the treasure chest.  It works though.  Temporarily.  Is that all I care about?  A quick fix?  No.  Neither, I think, is that what the policy makers want either.  But they're only in office for a few years.  And I only have my students for 50 minutes.  How then can we possibly bring about real change?  Real and permanent good.

I think we have to start by believing that it's possible.  Knowing that it will be hard.  Then doing it anyway.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pep Talk

Something I love about my mentor teacher is that she knows just how to hand over a good pick-me-up.  I did, in fact, directly request one at lunch today after revealing that yesterday a student told me, "F** you, B**!"

Action plan:
  • kill him with kindness
  • get him a backpack
  • know that it's not personal
  • know that you're not alone.  congratulations, you have been initiated.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kid Hater?

I thought I was a positive person.  I don't want to be a Kid Hater from "New Girl"

I know I'm supposed to separate the person from the situation, but I am having immense difficulty.

And a pox upon you, standardized testing.